Communication Track

Communication Track
Labs Professors Phones Locations
Big Data Optimization and Networking Lab. Dongwoo Kim +82-31-400-4039 Engineering building Ⅳ #409
Intelligent Communication Systems Lab. Haewoon Nam +82-31-400-4759 Engineering building Ⅲ #419-1
Computational Intelligence Lab. Jun Zhang +82-31-400-5178 -
Wireless Communication Systems Lab. Hu Jin +82-31-436-8197 Engineering building Ⅳ #410-1
Information and Computational Intelligence Lab. Sang-Woon Jeon +82-31-400-5918 Engineering building III #308
Laboratory of Intelligent Things (LoIT) Joohyun Lee +82-31-400-5662 Engineering building Ⅲ #107
Intelligent Wireless Communications Laboratory Jiho Song +82-31-400-5164 Engineering building Ⅲ #307
Mobility&Wireless Communication Lab Sung Joon Maeng +82-31-400-5196 Engineering building Ⅲ #303